Help provide the $30,000 needed for the 2022 Birth Mothers Retreat in April!

The annual Birth Mothers Retreat is one of Christian Adoption Services (CAS) most important events. The weekend is an opportunity to celebrate these courageous moms who chose adoption for their babies. This year’s event is the retreat’s 25th anniversary, and we want it to be an exceptional and encouraging experience for every mother who attends. At this time, we are on track to have approximately 40 mothers attend!. You have an opportunity to be a blessing to our birth mothers by helping make this special weekend a reality.

As a retreat sponsor, you ensure every birth mother in attendance is celebrated, encouraged and is able to experience the love of Christ. You can direct your gift several different ways or simply have your gift go where it is most needed. Regardless of how you give, your funds will help cover the cost of food, lodging, program costs and even coffee (caffeine is a must).

Choose your gift option below. Thank you for helping us celebrate and minister to these special moms. 

Suggested Amounts

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